Book Review: The War Ministry

Bharat News Ticker: Prime Minister Azim Khan takes office, becomes first Muslim to lead India ...
Assuming power in the messy aftermath of a war with Pakistan, and mounting hostility with a belligerent China, Azim Khan inherits an India in crisis. Heading a shaky coalition, his leadership is questioned at every turn - most visibly by Deputy PM Karan Nehru, his once-best friend and, more insidiously, by other scheming detractors hidden within his government. India's first Muslim PM must earn the trust of the Indian people in his leadership and prove he is the man with the ability to heal the wounds of the past and chart a path to a united and bold future for the nation. Buffeted by history, conflicted by ideology, and curbed by his own limitations, Azim and his team of idealists face the ultimate test. Will they succeed?

Krishan Partap Singh's The War Ministry is the third and concluding volume of the Raisina Series. It is an interesting and gripping political thriller written with the background of an alternate political possibility and around fictitious political figures who resemble very much their real like counterparts. The characters are full and strong with their individual faults and individual motivations. The book is fast paced and riveting with multiple sub plots that make the book more interesting to read. The only minor annoyance I observed were few instances of dialogues using very rich language.

Book Information
Author:Krishan Partap Singh
Publisher:Hachette India
Year of Publication:2012
Number of Pages:Approx 440 with cover

Book Review: The War Ministry

A gripping book for political thriller lovers. I had received the review copy from Hachette India. Thank you Hachette India for giving me this opportunity. You can buy this book at amazon or at Flipkart in case you live in India. You can find the lowest price of this book in India at

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