Book Review: The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul

With the recent violence in the city, Sunny was anxious about the cafe's being open late.
In a little coffee shop in one of the most dangerous places on earth, five very different women come together. Sunny, the proud proprietor, who needs an ingenious plan - and fast - to keep her cafe and customers safe. Yasmina, a young pregnant woman stolen from her remote village and now abandoned on Kabul's violent streets. Isabel, a determined journalist with a secret that might keep her from the biggest story of her life. Candace, a wealthy American who has finally left her husband for her Afghan lover, the enigmatic Wakil. And Halajan, the sixty year old den mother, whose long-hidden love affair breaks all the rules. As these five women discover there's more to one another than meets the eye, they form a unique bond that will for ever change their lives and the lives of many others.

With a fast and gripping narrative style, the author presents an in-depth and vivid description of the setting and an equally interesting story line. The writing style, the fully developed characters and realistic plot blurs the difference between fiction and a non-fiction. In tune with Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse, this is an uplifting tale with strong message to deliver. If you have read and liked Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul Guesthouse, this book definitely deserves to be in your reading list.

Book Information
Author:Deborah Rodriguez
Publisher:Hachette India
Year of Publication:2012, 2013
Number of Pages:Approx 410 with cover

Book Review: The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul

Vivid and gripping. I had received the review copy from Hachette India. Thank you Hachette India for giving me this opportunity. You can buy this book at Flipkart in case you live in India.

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