Book Review: Kunzum Travel List 1-25

My job is to recommend great travel ideas but not necessarily insist you experience these. But I will make an exception here…

Unlike India, very few countries can boast of so many interesting places to travel. In Kunzum Travel List 1 -25, the author Ajay Jain presents a miniature glimpse of that Incredible India. The book itself is the first of the two volumes of Kunzum Travel List and is a compilation of twenty five travel ideas that cover locations across Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh, Kashmir, Tours on Toy trains and Rajasthan.

Whenever I travel, I contact a reliable travel agent and follow his proposed itinerary. I have never been a traveler who explores by his own. The book made me feel guilty of missing so much thereby. This is not an encyclopedia of information for a tourist. And the author never claims so. The list does not claim to represent the best out there – it is just about great experiences. It is more for the traveller who would love to explore to have great experience. True - there are other travel guides that carry more exhaustive travel information and there are other books which explore single location in further details. However, where this book stands up from the rest is – these are personal experiences of the author, which he has penned down with considerable details with proposed itinerary and brief histories of places, amazing photographs accompanying the articles that will lure the reader. I liked it. And did I repeat that there are plenty of tempting photographs in this book?

Author:Ajay Jain
Date of Publication:2012
Number of Pages:Approx 170 with cover

Book Review: Kunzum Travel List 1-25

I had received the review copy from Kunzum. Thank you Kunzum for giving me this opportunity. You can buy this book at amazon or at  flipkart in case you live in India.

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2 Thoughts:

Silver's Reviews said... Reply

Nice new blog...great posts.


The Book Outline said... Reply

Thank You!

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